
Support the Ministry of Celebration Church

Ways to give:

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  • Nunc vehicula, turpis ac vestibulum viverra.
  • Eros quam pharetra turpis mattis nisi vel lorem.
  • Proin scelerisque consectetur eros vel sagittis.
  • In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
  • Nam blandit semper dui erat eleifend sit amet.
  • Ut posuere, orci quis pharetra commodo

Connect with us!

Be sure to fill out a visitor card so that we can thank you for coming. We invite you to visit one of our small groups, where you will develop deep and meaningful relationships as we navigate the Christian walk together.

Does Promised Land feel like home to you?  If you would like to know more about our church, or are interested in joining,  our quarterly Intro to Promised Land Class is for you.   It is a prerequisite for church membership, and will provide an overview of our church’s vision, beliefs, ministries, and organization. However, you may attend without joining. 

To enroll in our next Intro to Promised Land Class and learn more, please fill out the form below and submit.  Our next class will be held on ___________________

Refreshments will be served and childcare is provided, as needed. Please let us know when you RSVP if you need childcare and the ages of your children. Please bring your Bible, paper and something to write with.

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4185 US Hwy 15
Oxford, NC 27565

Mailing Address:
PO Box 801
Creedmoor, NC 27522

Call Us

(919) 693-7706