Children’s Ministry
Children’s Ministry

At PLCC, our Children’s Ministry is a happy place pointing kids to Jesus. With our interactive Bible lessons where the Bible comes alive through Super Stories, Giggly Games, and Awesome Activities, just to name a few. At PLCC kids experience God’s love through Terrific Teachers, and Vivacious Volunteers while learning, laughing, and loving it all. Believing His Word: ” But Jesus said, “Let the children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14. Yes, we live it, love it, and let kids know they are loved by God, and by us!
Kids’s Worship & Nursery – Sundays mornings at 10:30am
We look forward to sharing His Love, and His Word with your little ones each week through Gospel Light (younger children), Lifeway, Group, and Gospel Project curricula. Join us today and be loved while learning about God’s amazing love!